Habits Made Simple

11 ratings

Are you tired of struggling to change your life?

I’ve been there...

The picture on the left is me from several years ago.

I was morbidly obese (over 370lbs), was pre-diabetic, and had extremely low testosterone.

I also played World of Warcraft for 16 hours a day and had zero social skills.

In the picture on the right, I was 190lbs and feeling better than I ever thought possible.

That new me also graduated from engineering school and started an online business helping people like you.

Along the way, I've also broken out of alcohol abuse and caffeine overuse.

How did I make this transformation? I improved my HABITS.

Where you are now is a result of your past habits.

Where you’ll be in the future is a result of your current habits.

You can transform yourself easily by changing your habits

You can transform your life like I did! The life you want and the person you want to become await you.

All it takes is you changing your habits.

This course will teach you how your habits work and teach you how to change them FAST!

Where could you be 3 months from now if you broke a few of your bad habits and started a few good ones?

Are you worried you can’t do it?

The fact you’re reading this means you’re already ahead of most people.

Why? Because you reading this shows you’re willing to change.

I'll teach you how to change your habits quickly

This course teaches you how to change your habits so you can change your habits however you want.

For example, you'll learn how to reprogram your brain to:

  • crave water instead of another coffee or beer
  • prefer eating healthier than binging on chips
  • automatically get up for a morning run instead of hitting the snooze button

You’ll learn how to get your brain to AUTOMATICALLY follow good habits, while simultaneously letting bad habits fade!

It's based on science!

Sound unbelievable? Believe it, because that’s exactly how habits work!

This course isn’t based on magical mumbo-jumbo. It's based on:

  • scientific research
  • the top books on habits
  • my studies of psychology and neuroscience
  • my own experience of transforming my life by losing 170lbs and breaking out of alcohol abuse

Are your bad habits stopping you from being your best?

If you're struggling with a porn addiction...

If you can’t bring yourself to go exercise…

If you’re addicted to sugary drinks like soda...

If you drink too much alcohol every single night...

If you’ve tried and failed to kick your caffeine habit…

If you smash the snooze button like it owes you money…

If you’ve developed some bad habits during the pandemic…

If you stay up late every night and feel like garbage every day...

If you’re tired of getting close to your goals but never actually achieving them...

If you feel like you’re trapped in your own ways and you don’t know how to get out…

Then the Habits Made Simple course is for you!

Don't just take my word for it...

"So, for a long time in life, I had struggled with my habits. Then I underwent a life transformation and changed that, I got pretty good at habit development in general.

So I thought I wouldn't get much out of Joey's course, but I went in anyway and was I blown away.

The scientific way Joey brings to the table and the simplicity with which he breaks down those scientific steps to change your life for the better is something I've never seen before
Thanks for this beautiful piece of well crafted content brother, I'll definitely start adding the advice to my routine in order to level up even more!" - David, aka Path to Freedom

"Your course is incredibly well made. I'd recommend it to anyone who's been struggling to change.

I love how clearly you described something as complex as habits... this is going to help a lot with the behavior changes I've been working on. Bravo." - Devin McDermott

"Habits shape your identity. Joey does a great job educating how habits actually work so that you can rewire bad habits for good ones. The guides make new habit formation almost inevitable. I proudly recommend this book to anyone." - Dallen Reber

"I've read many books on habit formation, Atomic Habits being one of them. After going through Joey's course - I can confidently say that he makes it extremely simple to eliminate bad habits, form healthy habits, and drastically change your life. A must buy!" - Dan Koe

"First of all, if you’re on the hunt for a habits course, then stop looking. This is the only one you need.

If you struggle to get results from your unhealthy habits and would like to change them for the better, then again, this is the only course you need." - Aaron

"Habits Made Simple is exactly what the title suggests: a simple, impressionable, and accomplishable task. Joey effortlessly manages to break down the science of habit in such a way that anyone can understand it, reflect on it, and apply it to their lives. A must-have for anyone even remotely interested in applying/cutting out habits!" - @_TheEveryman

100% 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee!

If for any reason you're dissatisfied with the course, contact me within 30 days of purchase and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked!

This course is completely risk-free - all you have to lose is your bad habits!

Get It Today!

Click the “I Want This” button to start improving your habits today!

What You'll Learn

The course materials cover these topics:

  • The Science of Habits
  • Habit Loops
  • How to Break Bad Habits
  • How to Start Good Habits
  • Sustaining Long Term Change

Are you ready to start changing your habits? Click the “I want this” button!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy?

I offer a 100% no-risk 30-day money-back guarantee! If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the product, contact me and I’ll refund your money no questions asked.

How long do I have access to the materials?

Lifetime access - I will only update the product to improve it and add things, not take anything away.

Who are you?

I’m Joey, a software engineer and science communicator living in Atlanta, GA.

I’ve lost over 170lbs, broke myself out of alcohol abuse and caffeine dependence, and have helped many people like you improve their lives both in-person and online through my free Twitter and YouTube content.

How does the Transformation Strategy call work?

We’ll get on a 75-minute call where I’ll ask you some questions. I'll then create a personalized plan to help you transform your life through changing your habits.

If you consent, I’ll record the call and I’ll send it to you along with your plan afterward.

What if I don’t like the course?

Simply ask me for a refund within 30 days of purchase.

Is this course actually going to help me?

The course materials are based on leading scientific research and the top books on habits.

I’ve used the methods in the course to:

  • start exercising daily
  • quit artificial sweeteners
  • improve my sleep habits
  • eliminate my alcohol abuse
  • start playing tennis regularly
  • break my caffeine dependence

I am 100% confident that if you apply the methods described in the course, you will improve your own habits.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

If you go through the course and you don’t feel like it worked for you, contact me within 30 days of purchase and I will give you a refund.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people who are looking to quit bad habits and start good habits.

It’s for people who are frustrated with their current life and who have been looking for something that can help them change.

Who isn’t this course for?

This course isn’t for people who want an instant fix without putting in any effort. Because of the neuroscience of how habits work, it takes time and effort to break bad habits and start good ones.

But with Habits Made Simple, you’ll change your habits far faster than you would if you tried to do it on your own.

Stop wasting time struggling to change your habits! Click "I Want This" and get Habits Made Simple today!

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Habits Made Simple

11 ratings